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In 1986 I started to study Astrology by visiting seminars for 4 years. Since 1990 I teach it myself and provide analyses.
I share the pleasure deriving from this activity with my teacher and my aunt.


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After 20 years of Astrology and about 500 - 700 sessions, I arrive at the following conclusions:
The universe we know is a multidimensional organism made of self-similar forms. The beings, discernable or not, communicate constantly with each other.

Astrologers have a very accurate instrument at hand, the horoscope. If we succeed in synchronising its symbols with the questioner, we discover the essence of his place and function in society. To accomplish this we have a 6000 year old philosophical treasure at our disposal. Additionally we use the data of modern astronomy.

Over the years I got to know well educated experts for consultation and therapy and can recommend those if necessary.